Julie Ferguson presented the interdisciplinary ICT4D research project Knowledge Sharing for the Rural Poor. This took place at the kick-off of the Network Institute 2014 – Academy Assistants program, at VU IntertainLab. The two selected Academy Assistants are the students Myrthe van der Wekken (Culture, Organization & Management) and Gossa […]
A short workshop to exchange ideas about ICT4D took pace at VU, in the IntertainLab, on 24 October 2014. Mrs. Maneesha Ramesh, professor and director of the Amrita Center for Wireless Networks & Applications and Shyam Diwaker, assistant professor and head of the Computational Neuroscience Lab visited VU Amsterdam Network […]
Prof. Dr. Etienne Barnard (North-West University, South Africa) gave an invited talk on Fri 09 May 2014, 14.30-15.30h, Intertain Lab Network Institute (WN-S111). Etienne Barnard is a partner in a research collaboration between South-Africa and the Network Institute of VU, specifically the W4RA program (Web Alliance for Regreening in Africa, […]
From 13 to 19 January 2014 the W4RA team met again in Mali and Burkina Faso. This is a continuation of the m-Agro Knowledge Sharing Pilot of the VOICES project (EU-FP7 2011-2013). The field trip was co-organized by VUA, Sahel Eco, and Réseau MARP. Part of the scaling-up strategy of […]