The longstanding collaboration between the VU Centre for International Cooperation and the Computer Science Department of VU on the research theme ICT for Development – the Digitizing Society in the Global South, has again led, this year again, to a fruitful result. We can harvest seven interesting theses and one […]
Sustainnable Development Goals
Promotion of non-timber forest products by innovative women farmers in Burkina Faso from Anna Bon on Vimeo.
Last week CYBER – an educational project on Cyber Security in Indonesia, implemented by Universitas Indonesia and VU, was celebrated with the inauguration of the first multi-disciplinary Cyber Security Student Hall & Multidisciplinary Lab in Indonesia. Cyber Security education in Indonesia is an example of 21st century challenge-based multi-disciplinary education. […]
Malaria is a primary cause of morbidity and mortality in West Africa. In Mali, an estimated 7,2 million malaria cases in 2020 and over 19.300 death cases were reported by the WHO, in a population of 20 million. The costs of conventional Malaria drugs, (produced by the pharmaceutical industry) are […]
“The Digital Divide is commonly associated with those parts of the world, where access to Internet and Web is poor or lacking. However, even in places such as the city of Amsterdam, where Internet infrastructure and access are commonplace, a Digital Divide exists. A significant part of the population (1 […]
Amsterdam 23 May 2019 – The annual symposium “Perspectives on ICT4D”, organized by Victor de Boer and Anna Bon, was focused this year on transdisciplinarity — collaboration between academics and non-academics — in search of solutions for the Global Challenges of our Age. The theme was reflected in the talks by […]