Inclusive ICTs
Malaria is a primary cause of morbidity and mortality in West Africa. In Mali, an estimated 7,2 million malaria cases in 2020 and over 19.300 death cases were reported by the WHO, in a population of 20 million. The costs of conventional Malaria drugs, (produced by the pharmaceutical industry) are […]
The closure of the Global Community Service Learning course “ICT4D in the Field” was an official ceremony in which six student groups presented their projects — in which students from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, University for Development Studies (UDS) Ghana, University of Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), […]
Community service learning (CSL) is an educational approach that we have further developed in collaboration with universities and stakeholders in the Global South into a research and education model dubbed: ICT4D 3.0. This model combines problem-solving and situational learning with meaningful service to communities and society. In computer science and […]
Thesis defence Anna Bon Maastricht 15 December 2020 – a promotion in Corona times The Pro-Rector, Prof. Dr. Christine Neuhold chairs the public defence, and opens the reunion at 13h. After Anna’s presentation of 15 minutes, the opposition is opened. Prof. Wiebe Bijker, emeritus professor of Technology and Society at […]
Last year we did research and wrote a book about the Amsterdam Digital Divide, with great contributions from five of my master students Information Science. Yet, the need for Digital Inclusion has never been so pressing as in these times of Corona, in which many, especially elderly and vulnerable people […]
“The Digital Divide is commonly associated with those parts of the world, where access to Internet and Web is poor or lacking. However, even in places such as the city of Amsterdam, where Internet infrastructure and access are commonplace, a Digital Divide exists. A significant part of the population (1 […]