Web alliance for Regreening in Africa

Intervention or Collaboration ? Rethinking modes of knowledge production in ICT4D

Over the past decades information system developers and knowledge engineers in ICT projects in wealthy regions of the world have come to realize that technical work can only be successful when situated in a broader organizational context. However, for low-resource environments (such as for example rural Africa), where contextual embedding is even more demanding given the complexity of these environments, practical, context-oriented methodologies how to “do” information systems engineering are still lacking. This book presents a new and comprehensive set of methods that covers the complete lifecycle of information systems engineering, with emphasis on context analysis, needs assessment and use case and requirements analysis. This book can be used as a practical guide to designing, building and deploying information and communication technologies for development. It can be used by students and practitioners (in the development sector or in ICT business). It can inform policymakers and people interested in international development and technology. It gives a basic but thorough insight in how to develop information systems and services for people in low resource environments, from a socio-technical, information systems engineering perspective.

This book has inspired students and practitioners — experienced or new — in the field of ICT4D.  It provides practical methods on how to develop information and communication technologies for people in low resource environments. The methods have been designed, developed and deployed (as can be found largely on this website) in real world contexts and are illustrated with case studies from field research in rural areas of West Africa. Yet, technical development does not go without critical reflection. The reflective technology developer and practitioner has many questions. What are the underlying objectives of the action? Who are the beneficiaries and what are their goals? What are the guiding principles to do this work? We investigate which assumptions – often tacitly taken for granted – affect the way technologies are implemented in poor, low-resource environments.

Based on extensive field research, this book shows that socio-technical innovation is not a linear transfer of technologies (as often assumed), but a networked process, driven by local agency, diffusing and evolving in a complex world.

Start your IT group on Telegram today

Welcome to the digital age, where communication and collaboration happen at the touch of a button. In today’s fast-paced world, social media platforms have become an essential part of our daily lives. One such platform that has gained immense popularity among professionals is Telegram.

Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging app that allows users to send messages, exchange photos and videos, and create groups for various purposes. If you’re an IT professional looking to connect with like-minded individuals, starting an IT group on Telegram can be a great idea.

Why choose Telegram for your IT group?

Telegram offers a range of features that make it an ideal platform for your IT group:

  • Security: Telegram takes user privacy and data security seriously. With end-to-end encryption, your conversations and shared files are protected from unauthorized access.
  • Large group capacity: Telegram allows groups to accommodate a large number of members, making it suitable for IT communities of all sizes.
  • File sharing: Share documents, code snippets, and other files effortlessly within your IT group.
  • Bots and integrations: Telegram supports the use of bots and integrations, enabling you to automate tasks, gather information, and enhance the group experience.
  • Cross-platform availability: Access your IT group on Telegram from your smartphone, tablet, or desktop, ensuring seamless communication from anywhere.

Boost your IT group with members

When starting a new IT group on Telegram, building an initial member base can be a challenge. However, there are solutions available to help you overcome this hurdle. Some group admins choose to buy members for their telegram group.

Buying members can give your group a head start by quickly increasing its size and visibility. It can create a sense of credibility and attract genuine IT professionals who are interested in your group’s topic. However, it’s important to ensure that the members you buy are real users who actively participate in discussions to maintain the group’s quality.

Remember, while buying members can give you an initial boost, the long-term success of your IT group will depend on the value you provide to your members. Engage in meaningful conversations, share valuable resources, and foster a supportive community to keep your members active and engaged.


Telegram is a powerful platform for building and managing IT groups. Its secure environment, large group capacity, and versatile features make it an ideal choice for IT professionals seeking a collaborative space.

If you’re considering starting an IT group on Telegram, remember that buying members can help jumpstart your community, but it’s important to prioritize quality and engagement for long-term success.

So, what are you waiting for? Start your IT group on Telegram today and connect with fellow IT enthusiasts!

Intervention or Collaboration – Rethinking Information and Communication Technologies for Development