W4RA was interviewed for the Dutch television on 11 November 2022. This short clip was broadcasted on 11 March 2023 in the program “How its done” at RTLZ.
Voice technologies
Amsterdam 23 May 2019 – The annual symposium “Perspectives on ICT4D”, organized by Victor de Boer and Anna Bon, was focused this year on transdisciplinarity — collaboration between academics and non-academics — in search of solutions for the Global Challenges of our Age. The theme was reflected in the talks by […]
Despite the fact that more than 70% of Africa’s population depends on agriculture for basic life needs, and in Africa’s drylands rain-fed agriculture is widespread, reliable meteorological data about rainfall and weather forecasts — in Europe timely and accurate — is often not available for African farmers. Recent studies in rural areas of […]
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium “Perspectives on ICT4D” now published at http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2120/ Co-located with 10th ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci’18) Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 27, 2018. Edited by Anna Bon * Victor de Boer * Christophe Guéret ** Gayo Diallo *** Jaap Gordijn ** * Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The […]
Tha Kasadaka project, that was developed by André Baart and colleagues from the W4RA team, extensively tested by students in the VU ICT4D course 2018 and deployed in the field in Mali, at Radio Sikidolo in Konobougou, has been nominated, as one of the five finalists in the Amsterdam Science and […]
Members of the W4RA team and partners from AOPP visited Radio Sikidolo in Konobougou, Mali. Radio Sikidolo and W4RA have worked together on the co-creation of the Foroba Blon radio/mobbile voice-based system since 2012. Adama Tessougué, director of Radio Sikidolo and key-user of the Foroba Blon system want to use […]
Building ICTs to connect the unconnected people in e.g. rural Africa, is challenging due to the language and literacy gap. Voice-based ICT systems have proven useful, e.g. for meteo services or market information. However, in general they are much more complicated to build that text-based systems, for ICT and Web […]
The W4RA team at VU is proud to present three new master theses: by Justyna Kleczar (July 2017), Reshmi Sarkar (June 2017) and Jamila Daoudi (May 2017). Justyna Kleczar’s work is on speech technologies for underresourced languages. It comprises a new methodology, including very comprehensive tooling, which facilitates and allows […]