The closure of the Global Community Service Learning course “ICT4D in the Field” was an official ceremony in which six student groups presented their projects — in which students from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, University for Development Studies (UDS) Ghana, University of Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), […]
The Open International Webinar Artificial Intelligence in & for the Global South – What is AI and what can it be used for? took place online, from 02-04 June 2021, with 145 participants from Asia, Africa and Europe, including master students from VU Amsterdam (Netherlands), UDS (Ghana) and UNIMAS (Malaysia) […]
WebSci’20 Workshop: Digital (In)Equality, Digital Inclusion, Digital Humanism Read the ACM WebSci’20 DigDivDigHum Workshop Final Proceedings: [PDF]. Or download the full companion proceedings from the WebSci’20 website. The full recorded video presentations of the DigDivDigHum workshop are now available. The WebSci’20 main conference proceedings can be accessed at the official […]
Blog by Aron van Groningen, master student Information Science at VU doing his master research field work in communities (kampungs) in Sarawak, Malaysia. Hi all! here’s a little story about my ICT4D in the field work for my master thesis and what I am doing in Sarawak, Malaysia Education […]
The annual project-based field course “ICT for Development In The Field” will be given this year for the second time, coordinated by VU together with UNIMAS, the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. This course offers master students Information Science, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence a unique experience, as it involves close collaboration […]
A group of students from VU Amsterdam and UNIMAS, Sarawak, have carried out an ICT4D in the Field project in June 2018. The goal of this project was to build an information system that supports the work of banana contract farmers in rural Sarawak. To do so, the students did […]
Appong is the name of an application that helps increase sales of Gula Apong, a traditional sugar product, produced by smallholder farmers in Sarawak, Malaysia. The application was designed and built by a mixed team of master students from VU Amsterdam and UNIMAS: Giorgi, Judith, Kuan and Chris, in the […]
Samarahan, 2 July 2018 “It is a great pleasure to present to you the work of our VU and UNIMAS student group, who worked the past month of June very hard to build ICT solutions to serve local communities in Sarawak, Malaysia, in a practically oriented course that we have […]
By Leeuw van Moerkerken: a short report of a Living Lab. Four students from VU and UNIMAS built an educational app named EDUCOMX. It combines education in english with a game. The app was tested by 21 children.