From 20 to 24 June 2016, the W4RA team was in Gourcy, Burkina Faso a facilitated a new ICT4D requirements engineering workshop with farmers-innovators of the Yatenga and Zondoma regions, Burkina Faso. The workshop was organized and hosted by W4RA’s local partner, the NGO Réseau MARP. The workshop was dedicated to the theme […]
From 7-9 May 2016, the second TMT-AOPP workshop was held in Bamako, Mali. This workshop was held in the context of the Tailor Made Training project that VU Amsterdam participates in together with the Malinese farmer organization Association des Organisations Professionnelles Paysannes (AOPP). During the workshop, which was attended by around 25 AOPP […]
This was one of the three keynotes at the VU Lustrum Conference “Guide to the Network Society”, Amsterdam, 18 March 2016.
On 6 April 2016, the Third International Symposium “Perspectives on ICT for Development (ICT4D)” will be hosted by the VU Network Institute, the Netherlands Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems SIKS, the Computer Science Department and VU International Office. This year’s theme is “Community Service & Education”. Invited speakers […]
The tree loss is a severe problem affecting rural communities in West Africa’s drylands. Trees here have a positive influence on local soil conditions, biodiversity richness, water tables, food for fodder, and provide agricultural value to the people due to harvest of tree products. Unfortunately, trees are still being cut, […]
Food used to be called a basic human need along with water, peace, shelter, education and primary health care. It has also been called a prerequisite for health. Food security is now listed among the social determinants of health. It is clearly a determinant of a lot of things” life, […]
Last week, a collaborative workshop was organized in Walewale, Ghana – 27 April to 1 May – by VUA’s W4RA team, together with a team of researchers from the University for Development Studies in Ghana. The aim of the workshop is to identify information needs of local farmers, to enhance and […]