The W4RA team and researchers from the University for Development Studies in Ghana started a new interdisciplinary collaboration to help improve access to information for farmers in rural communities in Northern Ghana. Rural communities in West Africa are vulnerable to food shortages and low incomes due to climate conditions and […]
Yearly Archives: 2014
Julie Ferguson presented the interdisciplinary ICT4D research project Knowledge Sharing for the Rural Poor. This took place at the kick-off of the Network Institute 2014 – Academy Assistants program, at VU IntertainLab. The two selected Academy Assistants are the students Myrthe van der Wekken (Culture, Organization & Management) and Gossa […]
A short workshop to exchange ideas about ICT4D took pace at VU, in the IntertainLab, on 24 October 2014. Mrs. Maneesha Ramesh, professor and director of the Amrita Center for Wireless Networks & Applications and Shyam Diwaker, assistant professor and head of the Computational Neuroscience Lab visited VU Amsterdam Network […]
The third International Downscale workshop took place on October 8th at VU University Amsterdam. DownScale 2014 was the third edition of our international workshop on Downscaling the Semantic Web. In the Downscale workshops we investigate the potential for (semantic) web and linked data technologies for ICT for Development. The […]
At the invitation of Réseau MARP (Burkina Faso), Sahel Eco (Mali), and CARE Niger, the Web Alliance for Re-greening in Africa (W4RA) team from VU University Amsterdam, did a new round of creative Agile workshops in Burkina Faso and Mali. The objective of these workshops is to co-create innovative communication […]
On 16 May 2014, the symposium “Perspectives on ICT for Development” (ICT4D) was held at VU University Amsterdam. The event featured international speakers from different backgrounds, who were asked to present their perspective on the principles, practice and scientific background of ICTs for Developing countries. The symposium was a great […]
On 16 May 2014, a symposium took place at VU University Amsterdam, on ICT4D, the quickly growing field of practice and study how Information and Communication Technologies influence and may contribute to social and economic development in the (developing) world. More than 100 participants attended the symposium. A video was […]
Prof. Dr. Etienne Barnard (North-West University, South Africa) gave an invited talk on Fri 09 May 2014, 14.30-15.30h, Intertain Lab Network Institute (WN-S111). Etienne Barnard is a partner in a research collaboration between South-Africa and the Network Institute of VU, specifically the W4RA program (Web Alliance for Regreening in Africa, […]
Friday 16 May 2014, 10.00-16.30h, VU University Amsterdam Tuinzaal, W&N Building (ground floor near VU campus entrance De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam) The Network Institute, Computer Science Department and International Office at the VU University Amsterdam organized a symposium on ICT4D, the fast growing field of practice and study […]