Pre-kick-off meeting takes place from 3 – 5 March in Rome, to discuss the project plan. The meeting was hosted by the Italian partners in the TO-INN project, the Istituto di Scienze Psicologiche dell’Educazione e della Formazione, Roma Italia. Anna Bon as the project coordinator was the only delegate from VU at this meeting.
The four dimensions of the TO-INN project were discussed and the project plan was refined. The session was led by Dr. Alejandra Montané and her colleagues from the University of Barcelona.
Other partners present are from the European universities that are part of the TO-INN project, from Portugal (Universidade Lusófona), Spain (Universidad de Valencia), UK , and VU.
The TO-INN project proposes the creation of an inter-university programme to encourage innovation, the participation of the entire educational community and the relevance of university teaching related to the training of future teachers. Its ultimate aim is to empower participating institutions for the training of teachers capable of responding adequately to the social, economic and cultural needs of their environments. This training will seek to promote their social relevance by proposing four transversal axes: a) culture and tradition; b) citizenship and participation; c) social cohesion: gender and minority groups; and d) digital culture. In short, training that fosters a sense of belonging, identity and social justice in multicultural contexts in Latin America through innovative processes of training, curricular adaptation and university policy and governance.

The objective of TO-INN is to improve the quality, innovation and relevance of the performance of universities in common critical areas and to strengthen their social dimension, through the implementation of a Plan of Interuniversity Actions, a virtual platform.
The specific objectives of this project are (i) to design and implement the TO-INN platform for collaborative and networked work, for innovation in teaching-learning and virtual community communication. Updating the design and development of the curricula of participating institutions to ensure their social relevance. Improve the pedagogical skills of university teachers in the participating Latin American Region for teaching innovation and good practices in the field of university education; (ii) to integrate curricular and teaching innovations in institutional governance in order to favor the permanence and academic success of students in the faculties of education and to optimize university democratic management. (iii) To construct proposals on the improvement of the educational policies of the participating countries.
This is supported in part by a grant from the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 – Capacity building in the field of Higher Education of the European Union (573685-EPP-2016-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) The TO-INN project focuses on the challenges of Higher Education in providing inclusive education for all. This targets specifically students from less privileged sectors of society.