Culture, citizenship, participation – Comparative perspectives from Latin America on Inclusive Education
Edited by Anna Bon, Mónica Pini and Hans Akkermans
This book is simultaneously released in Spanish, the original language, published as Cultura, ciudadanía, participación – Perspectivas de la educación inclusiva.
This publication is supported in part by a grant from the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 – Capacity building in the field of Higher Education of the European Union (573685-EPP-2016-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) https://www.toinn.org. The TO-INN project focuses on the challenges of Higher Education in providing inclusive education for all. This targets specifically students from less privileged sectors of society.
Pangea Amsterdam – ISBN 978-90-78289-17-3 Paperback, English version
ISBN 978-90-78289-15-9 Paperback Spanish version
Releases on 23 September 2019 – Lisbon TO-INN Final Conference