On 18 May 2017, the 4th International Symposium “Perspectives on ICT for Development (ICT4D)” will be hosted by VU Network Institute, the Netherlands Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems SIKS, the Computer Science Department and VU International Office. This year’s theme is “Sustainability and ICT4D”. Invited speakers from Ghana, France and the Netherlands will highlight the theme, presenting case studies from various contexts including: rural development, health, entrepreneurship .
@VU Hoofdgebouw, Main building, lecture room HG-06A33 (Sixth floor, A corridor) De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Symposium chairs: Dr. Victor de Boer (VU/FEW/INF) & Anna Bon (VU International Office/CIS-VU)
09.00 Registration & coffee.
9.30 Welcome by Symposium Chairs
9.40 Dr. Gayo Diallo – Université de Bordeaux (FR): Towards a Digital African Traditional Healthcare using Semantic Web.
10.20 Dr. Chris van Aart – 2CoolMonkeys BV (NL) : Developing Smartphone Apps for African farmers.
11.00 Coffee break.
11.20 Francis Dittoh – University for Development Studies (Ghana): ICT business development in rural Africa.
11.50 Wendelien Tuyp – CIS-VU : Sustainable Community Initiatives and African Farmer Innovation.
12.10 Aske Robenhagen Network Institute Academy Assistant VU – Building resilient applications for sustainable development
12.30 Wrap up by Symposium Chairs – overview of related upcoming events.
12.45 End of symposium.
The event is part of the Educational Program of SIKS. Therefore, all SIKS-PhD-students are strongly encouraged to participate.