Web alliance for Regreening in Africa

Digital technologies to support women entrepreneurship in Mali

During the workshops the VU team provided the local women entrepreneurs with new digital tools for communication and effective management of data. They trained them in the use of an application prototype developed at VU to enhance the stock management of agro-ecological products in local African languages such as Mooré (spoken widely in Burkina Faso) and Bambara (spoken widely in Mali). This application is specially designed for the local conditions and will enable the local farmer organization and partner AOPP to train many more farmers in how to effectively collect information on quantities of agro-ecological products at various cooperatives. Proper stock management in currently distributed among small cooperatives. This decentral stock management is one of the challenges to overcome for effective sales. At the moment, when a large order is done by an interesting customer, the cooperatives have to organize themselves very well, to determine and calculate the total quantities that are available for sales. This voice-based application, shown on th epicture, is in their local language Bambara – widely spoken in Mali but still hardly available on te Internet or for digital systems – will be very helpful.

This voice-based application was designed and built by Marie-Lou David in the period October 2023 – July 2024, specifically for the two TMT projects in Mali and Burkina Faso.

This project was carried out in the framework of Orange Knowledge Programme.